TowerPinkster is a firm of architects and engineers committed to design integrity, quality, and environmental responsibility. We turn possibilities into reality...and that's called making it real. To see learn more about our projects and services, visit us at

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Inspired Learning Environments

“We need to first ask the question...'what is a classroom?' If we challenge our traditional notions of education we will be better able to create spaces, environments and opportunities for learning that inspire our students and support our teachers. We do not have time to stay stuck in the past. Our children are counting on us.”

Rebecca Meggs, IIDA, CSI, CDT, LEED AP
Senior Interior Designer

Most of us have heard the recent - and not so recent - research surrounding student learning styles and teaching models. What if you could take that knowledge and turn your school into a place that inspires, educates, and responds to the individual needs of each student? Inspired, intentional design leads to inspired, intentional learning.

Click here to read the full article, or view additional white papers on other topics at our website.